Agnieszka Nowak
Lalinda (Poland)
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My name is Agnieszka Nowak. I live in Warsaw with my husband and son and I'm a visual artist by school. Since 2011 I work under the name Lalinda. My adventure with dolls began in Waldorf kindergarten where my son attended. I've learned a lot since I started. Now making dolls is my full time job and passion. It's an ongoing process of self improvement for me as a person and my 'cloth children' as well and even though I have been creating for a dozen or so years, I still feel touched by the fact that someone wants to invite my work into their life.
I create different toys - mostly dolls (big and small, girls, boys and baby dolls, simple Waldorf and sculpted), time to time animals (mostly crocheted), suitcase sets with mini worlds inside and recently a little unexpectedly - personalize drum covers. Although I'm over fifty I still have a child inside. Creating unique toys allows me to share my fascination for handmade items and natural materials. It's unbelievable what human imagination and two hands can do!
Small doll with sculpted face
During this seminar I offer two two-day workshops on the same topic - a small doll with a sculpted face.
Date for workshop 1: 19-20.05.2024
Date for workshop 2: 21-22.05.2024
Number of sessions: 4 (plus extra 1-2 hours after first day evening session if needed)
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Price: 400 EUR (all materials included)
Expectations from participants: basic sewing skills; needed tools: scissors, sewing and felting needles, crochet hook, pliers or stick for stuffing (those who can't bring needles and scissors because they will travel by plane please contact earlier so we can provide it on site).
Description: small dolls are very handy for children to play with but quite difficult to make. Tiny details need extra care and effort. During the workshop participants will make a doll 30 cm (12 inch) high with sculpted face and natural goat hair. It can be a girl or a boy, in any available skin tone and hair style you want. To finish all work during four sessions basic head will be prepared earlier by a tutor as well as stitched body (participants get a pattern for further use). Throughout the course students will learn how to sculpt a small face, cover it with fabric, make a wig, do embroidered eyes, stuffing small limbs, attach hands and finally combine all parts into a doll. Patterns for basic garments are included in workshop's materials but there will be an opportunity to buy some clothes for an extra charge to dress the newly created doll. Feel invited to join me in a doll making adventure!
If you have any questions, please contact me at: I’ll be happy to answer.