To take part in the workshops you will have to make TWO PAYMENTS.
Payment 1: Entry Ticket
First buy your ticket to enter the European Waldorf Doll Making Retreat. This ticket includes the registration fees, administrative costs and access to the venue in a beautiful historic setting. It also covers all refreshments (tea, coffee and water).
Payment 2: Workshop Classes
Once you have purchased your ticket, please visit tutors’ pages to select your preferred workshop. You will then need to contact the tutors to book a seat in their classes.
Please note! Tickets DO NOT include transport, insurance, accommodations or meals.
If you prefer to pay via a bank transfer please use the account number below and enter “EWDOR 2025 Entry Ticket + your name” in the payment title.
Kamrin’s Craft Cottage
Bank is INGbank no. NL85INGB0005083133