Word from Waldorf Doll Makers
We would like to add how much we value your participation, your kind words and feedback and read more below to hear reviews straight from the source. Let your wonderful feedback speak for itself.
« I am so much looking forward to the 2020 edition of the European Waldorf Doll Seminar! It will be the third time I participate. What am I looking forward to? Firstly to getting together for a few days with other like-minded (and like-handed) people, all passionate about doll making and coming from many different countries. And secondly to the variety of workshops with well known teachers to choose from, to create big dolls or small ones; dolls for small children, like the traditional Waldorf Dolls, or workshops for Fiber Art Dolls. I do hope that it will be as inspiring as in 2016 and 2018, with the participation of doll makers of a whole range of backgrounds, whether beginner or confirmed, teacher or student, (grand)mother or professional doll maker. I’m sure that the ambiance will be wonderful again, sharing ideas, laughing, sewing, tying and felting until our fingers hurt. All of this once again in a pleasant, natural environment (I happen to know the beautiful Belgian Ardennes). I wonder if we can thank Kamrin and Berend enough for all the trouble they go through, organizing this bi-annual event described by Loulabee in 2018 as: "The Woodstock of doll makers »
— Agathe Quanjer (France)
« I attended the European Walfdorf Doll seminar in 2018 and would very much like to attend it again in 2020. I learnt the first techniques of Walfdorf doll making and am very interested in doll making ever since and have broadened my network in Asean and Australia. This form of creativity is not as common as in Europe »
— Roslind Fong (Singapore)
« Zo terugkijkend op het afgelopen jaar wil ik je graag nog een keer bedanken voor het geweldige Seminar in mei. Voor mij een hele mooie ervaring om met zoveel Internationale poppenmaaksters de liefde voor wol en poppen te kunnen delen.Fantastisch dat jij en Berend dit samen mogelijk maken en zoveel “joy” brengen. Dank je wel voor al jullie inspanningen. Ik verheug mijzelf op het EWDOR 2020 »
— Anja Hepkema (Netherlands)
« What to say about the Seminar? It is like jumping in a warm bath of creativity. The days are filled with dollmaking knowledge, hard work, laughter and meaningfull conversations. The teachers ever so patient and willing to share their dollmaking wisdom.
When going home your heart is full of all the lovely people you have met and you feel energized by all the things you have learned. Will this feeling last? Well just about two years and then you need to go again !!! »
— Nathasja Couwenberg (Belgium)